In smaller household’s wooden kitchen dressers often fulfilled the job of the pantry and meat safes or ice boxes were used for foods which needed a […]
The ‘dry’ larder was more like today’s larder or pantry, this was where the grain, dried fruits, cooked pastries, dried meats and even some types of […]
Storing food in fat is virtually unheard of these days but this method of food preservation is actually the origin of the of the word larder. We tend to […]
A while ago we were given a little 250ml jar of yacon syrup. The price on the lid was $19.50, but as its best before date was passed we were given it for free with our bulk food shopping.
Ingredients 1 cup Sunflower seeds ½ cup Pumpkin seeds (quantities of sunflower and pumpkin seeds can altered, as long as they equal 1.5 cups) ¼ cup Sesame seeds ½ cup Linseed (flaxseed) and/or Chia seed (I usually do […]
Nut and seed breads are quite different to grain based breads, usually much denser, and lacking the fluffiness gluten breads have. But they get the job […]