
Perennials in the vege garden are nothing new, many old gardens would have had easy care perennials and self sowers as the basis of their food supply. It is only in more modern times that we have stepped away from these foods and embraced the hybrid vegetable, the seeds of which no longer produce true to type. There has, however, been a shift back to heritage crops; a renaissance of seed savers and the rise in popularity of food forests that has seen perennial veges regain their place in gardens. Today many of these perennial edibles are unknown and apart from asparagus and rhubarb will not be found at the green grocers or supermarket. It may take some adjustments for us to get used to cooking and eating many of them, but with over 150 plants in this book, you may be surprised how many are already in your garden.

Paperback 138 pages

Weight .261 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 15 × .9 cm


  1. fodderfarm

    ‘I LOVE the front cover 💜 and also the inspiring and helpful information inside! I have read this book cover to cover and recommend for all gardeners and peeps wanting to increase the diversity of edible kai in their Māra.’ Emily

  2. fodderfarm

    ‘Over 150 perennial edibles are featured which are suitable for growing in gardens, lifestyle blocks and farms across NZ. Of these we sell about 100 or so through our online nursery – Rebecca and I are definitely on the same page when it comes to persuading people about the benefits of incorporating perennials into your food growing systems, to increase resilience and health, and decrease the workload.’ Jo, Kahikatea Farm

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