
This handbook is designed as a convenient collection of plants and information to aid in the creation of diverse alternative feed systems for your livestock. It expands on the information on this website,, including a more extensive collection of fodder and forage plants. If you are developing a diverse fodder and forage system this is the book to get, to my knowledge there are no other resources which have collated this extent of information into an easy to use guide. Pasture is the most common livestock food source utilised by many of New Zealand’s farmers, lifestyle blockers and homesteaders, but there is a vast selection of plants that can be utilised as well. Incorporating trees, shrubs, perennials and herbs etc into your feed systems can provide nutritious feed, medicinal support, improve digestive health and regenerate land health. Utilising traditional methods of tree hay or making tree silage can extend the function of these plants as stored feed for periods of low feed availability. This extends the production capabilities of your property and its resilience capacity.

Paperback 93 pages

Weight .192 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × .6 cm

4 reviews for FODDER AND FORAGE – Creating Diverse Animal Feed Systems in New Zealand

  1. fodderfarm

    I was sure to purchase this book for my resource library. It is current and well written. easy to follow, I feel better equipped to be able to feed my small sheep and cattle herds during adverse weather with this information, It has also encouraged me to learn more about foraging as a local resource.’ Denese Sheree

  2. fodderfarm

    ‘I love the focus on using plants in a range of ways for the benefit of humans, animals and our environment. It is easy to read and practical.’ – Emily

  3. fodderfarm

    ‘Written in a way that’s easy to get, very readable, it’s set out well. Really like that it has some more uncommon plants and includes the taxonomic names with the common names. The only criticism that I have is I now want to have every plant in it so I can look it up and immediately see the info I want!’ – Megan

  4. fodderfarm

    ‘The most comprehensive list of fodder plants for New Zealand that I have ever seen, giving a concise and practical description of each plant – including NZ natives, vines ,berries and perennials – and listing their multiple uses.
    A practical NZ-based, how-to-guide to increase feed quantity and diversity, which improves the health of both land and livestock.
    Your animals will love this book.
    Sheryn Dean, Organic NZ magazine

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