Oops we are temporaily out of stock of HOMEGROWN HOMEMADE ALTERNATIVE FLOURS, will have more in March.
This book has emerged from our own explorations into alternative flours. We primarily eat a low carb diet and try to maximise our yields from anything we grow, using as much of the plants as possible and making use of any by-products of the preserving processes. But this book doesn’t just focus on low carb, all types of homegrown flours are included to suit all types of people. With over 130 different flours to choose from there are sure to be a variety to suit your needs. Rather than growing a mass monocrop to cover your flour requirements for the year, the harvesting and processing of a range of crops can be spread throughout the year. Knowing what crops can be used and how to prepare them can offer a higher level of food security. This should be of interest to anyone who has experienced the fragility of our food chains and how quickly life can change.
ISBN: 978-0-473-71486-4
Paperback 152 pages
Dimensions | 23 × 15 × 1 cm |
fodderfarm –
Can honestly say that Rebecca has done it again with her book, we’ve been impressed with the calabre of things included in her book. Theres over 130 different types of alternative flours, as alternative food enthusists ourselves we expected to pick up the book and know most of the information however this wasn’t the case. The book is set out well, including where applicable notes on who different alternative flours are not suitible for.
The section that was the most informative for us was on all the leaf flours. Some we just hadn’t ever thought of could be used. We also enjoyed reading the section on Antinutrients plants may have, which follows onto different treatments to help combat Antinutrients.
Well worth a read or puchase.
Hannah D